Media Literacy Ireland calls on people to Be Media Smart & to Stop, Think, Check.
Now, more than ever, it is critical that people use accurate and reliable information when making informed decisions – whether those decisions relate to health, politics, economics or any other aspect of their lives.
Be Media Smart is an initiative of Media Literacy Ireland (MLI) which encourages people to Stop, Think and Check that the information that they read, see or hear is reliable and accurate.
Be Media Smart previously ran as a public awareness campaign in 2019 and 2020. This year, the initiative will run from April to September at a time when there is a particular need for people to make informed choices about the Covid-19 vaccination based on accurate and reliable information.
From 5th April, you will see and hear the Be Media Smart ad encouraging you to Stop, Think and Check and directing you to for help and support - a neutral online space providing practical advice, tools and signposting to further sources of help. MLI is delighted that all the main TV and radio broadcasters in the country are supporting this initiative, along with news publications, online platforms and many more MLI members.
Later in the year, we will be working with partners to deliver a series of webinars designed to provide tailored support and information to particular groups.
How can you get involved?
MLI are calling on all organisations share the Be Media Smart message in line with each organisations own approach and their particular strengths and to encourage people in their networks to ‘Stop, Think and Check’.
A suite of assets is available to help promote this message across all media channels including advertisements and social media assets in both English and Irish:
Please use #bemediasmart #stopthinkcheck on social media and follow @medialiteracyireland on Twitter and @bemediasmart on Facebook. Facebook and Twitter have offered free ad credit to non-profit organisations to promote the campaign so please get in touch if you are interested in availing of this opportunity.
Helping audiences take the first step to managing misinformation can be as simple as signposting audiences and networks to the website - a neutral online space providing practical advice, tools and signposting to further sources of help.
Misinformation can impact all aspects of life and society. If you would like to be connected with experts who could contribute to discussions on how misinformation affects specific groups (e.g. younger people / older people) or specific topics (health / politics etc), please get in touch with us and we will do our best to help arrange introductions to the right people.
If you (or your organisation) are not a member of MLI then please consider joining us. Registration is simple and membership is free.
About Media Literacy Ireland
Media Literacy Ireland is an informal alliance of organisations and individuals who are working together on a voluntary basis to promote media literacy in Ireland. Facilitated by the BAI, as part of its commitment to promoting media literacy outlined in the BAI Media Literacy policy, MLI brings together a wide range of members from sectors such as the media, academia, online platforms, libraries and civil society. We foster discussion, identify gaps in media literacy provision and try to bring stakeholders together to help fill those gaps.
We understand Media Literacy as an umbrella term that covers a very broad range of skills that people need to access, use and understand media in a fast-changing media landscape. Different media literacy issues become more prominent at different times and right now, the issue of misinformation is an area of concern for all of us.
For more information please contact:
- The MLI Coordinating Team at
- Martina Chapman, National Coordinator MLI.