The Hook - Why your Clients Need One.
Course Aims
This aim of this course is to train creatives in effective commercial radio copywriting and to show how it can be adapted to give salespeople a greater understanding of the creative process. Radio commercials must fight to get the attention of their target audience. They are up against other commercials in the ad break and they have to rise above the distractions and chaos our listeners exist in every day. To make sure your client’s commercials stand out, get noticed and remembered…you need a hook!
Course Brief
This course will cover the following:
- The Hook in other media.
- The Hook in Radio Programming.
- How Hooks work
- Ads are never in isolation.
- Commercials with and without Hooks.
- Create your own Hook (Exercise).
- Types of Hooks available to the radio creative.
- The Hook and clients. How to explain the process.
Who is this content for?
This training is aimed at both new and established radio creatives across the Independent Radio Sector in Ireland.
Training Method
This course will be delivered online via Zoom.